Swimming school in Opatija

Swimming school in Opatija

An excellent program for the youngest this year in Tomaševac near Amadria Park hotel Royal & Grand Hotel 4 Opatijska Cvijeta

KŠR Gorovo organizes a traditional swimming school again this year in cooperation with the City Society of the Red Cross of Opatija, and in addition to the swimming school itself, there is also an excellent sports and recreational program. The Opatija swimming pool Tomaševac is also the center of programs for the youngest this summer, so a swimming school is held in the morning every weekday, that is, from Monday to Friday, along with a sports and recreational program, and a new tour has been announced for July 15. Every morning from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. children of preschool and younger school age can learn to swim and have great fun with the instructors, and those interested can register with the instructors immediately before the start of the program, while all information can be obtained by calling 091/ 420 0650 or at ksr.gorovo@gmail.com. The head of the school is senior master. coach Dalibor Korenić. In addition to swimming, there are also numerous sports and entertainment activities such as beach volleyball, handball, badminton, foot tennis, mini volleyball, soccer, border guard, sports field, relay games, basket shooting, darts, ball throwing, beach games, and sea games. and various sports competitions. In addition to the morning activities, the organizers, with the support of the City of Opatija and Opatija 2000 Healthy City, offer a special sports and recreation program in the afternoon from Monday to Friday from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The activities are very attractive: relay games, foot tennis, football, mini volleyball, border guard and handball on the sand.

This summer too, Opatija takes care of its youngest citizens, but the number of children who come from all over the ring is also significant, which is proof of the quality and interest of this program, to the satisfaction of the organizers.

Contact: KŠR Gorovo 091/ 420 0650
Photo. Archive of KŠR Gorovo